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Reflecting on 2020

 2020 has been a hard year on so many ways but the year also offered me many blessings. 

I opened up the year with my daughter Malak's 5th unicorn themed birthday. Fares' Mario themed 1st birthday followed in February. I hope my babies have an amazing year ahead and lots of happiness and success in all that they do. One of my favourite things about my blog is reflecting back on it over the years and seeing the posts about the kids growing up.

Before I returned to work from my maternity leave I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and what I had been conditioned to think to apply for a new job at another Neighbourhood Resource Centre. Although the job I initially applied for I did not get, I was super happy with the opportunity I was presented with. It was time for a change.

At my new job I cannot believe what a drastic change I saw in myself. I was speaking my mind, offering my advice, giving my opinions and felt completely comfortable with myself speaking. Where had this person gone for the past couple of years? I liked the old me and cannot believe that I allowed myself to be silenced in that toxicity. My hours are better now, the pay is better, I finally have benefits, my own office, and we have a team that truly values each other's advice and opinions.

Working from home and virtual learning for Malak presented as a challenge at first but once we got into the groove of things we enjoyed it a lot! The lesson plans that Malak's teacher sent and left lots of room for the imagination. It helped that we were nearing into the warm weather and nature walks helped us all to decompress and get a change of scenery. I put together a little work space in my room and enjoyed working in there for the majority of the day. The one downside was how clingy my son became to me but I was still happy to get that extra quality time with the kids from home. It was amazing to see how quickly we as a society were able to shift gears and stay at home, in a way it was the break we needed from the craziness of always running around.

Ramadan and Eid were this year were different this year due to COVID-19. I was able to create some nice kits for the kids of family and friends to play with during the month. These kits included a Ramadan activities calendar, colour pages, bookmarks to colour and cut out, an Eid mobile craft, and more. It was a really nice gesture for the kids to enjoy. Malak received some sweet videos from her friends thanking her for the kits. On Eid families were able to do a drive by and say Eid Mubarak and give them sweet treats from the driveway. At least we were still able to get our creativity on and give little kits to the children to celebrate Eid. 

The summer was nice spending quality time with the family. Barbeques outdoors and enjoying each others' company. The extra time we had together and being able to work outdoors while the kids' played around was nice. Sometimes difficult to focus but great nonetheless. 

My husband wrapped up the year finishing his real estate exams and getting his license! I am so proud of him and his accomplishments and know he will excel in everything he does. He has completed yet another big milestone in his life and know how excited he is to get on his feet. 

I hope the New Year treats us all better. I know each person has faced their own unique struggle but there is always a way to look at a situation in a positive light even when it doesn't feel positive in the moment. I know I will be happy in the first few months welcoming yet again two birthdays for my little ones. This time they will be COVID birthdays so that will be interesting but that just means I can get my creativity on.

Stay safe, stay positive, and we will get through this year! Welcome 2021!


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