Happy 3rd Birthday to my beautiful girl Malak Merai
Malak was born on January 26th, 2015; I still remember it like it was yesterday... Being 10 days over my due date.. oh the fun.. Nonetheless, it was all worth it for my beautiful baby girl.
I can't even believe you are already three I often stare at you and cannot believe my eyes. I wish you a life full of happiness and success my beautiful Malak.
Now onto the PARTY DETAILS!

This year Malak's obsession has been Paw Patrol! I never even knew about them before Malak's craze, she taught me all the characters names and about the different toys that are paw patrol themed (Thanks YouTube).. This is the first birthday for Malak we will be celebrating in the new house instead of our tiny apartment so yayy for bigger space, more games, and more decorations!
I stuck to the Paw Patrol colours for the decorations, cutlery, and even the game themes! Red, blue, and yellow; not very girly but classic colours nonetheless. The cake was pre-ordered from Loblaws as always since the prices are reasonable, taste is delicious (always chocolate), and the frosting isn't too sweet. I bought party hats, assembled loop bags with Malak's help of course, Paw Patrol face masks for cute photos, party games that I will go into in a bit, and tons of food to go around!
Pin the Badge on Chase- The name is pretty self-explanatory; same game as pin the tail on the donkey but with our beloved Paw Patrol character Chase as the star.
Cupcake decorating- Decorate your cupcake and eat it too! Anything with food you cannot fail with!
Unwrap the Prize- Buy a prize for the kids and wrap it with multiple layers of wrapping paper (or newspaper works too). I like to alternate with two colours so that it is easier to identify each layer. The way the game goes is that everyone sits in a circle and there is music playing, when the music stops playing whoever the prize stops with will unwrap one layer. Keep going around until someone unwraps the prize and wins!
Freeze Dance- a classic, requires no materials (except for a prize). Kids are always moving so this game finishes rather quickly!
Purse and Crown Decorating- I found these Purse and Crown templates at the Dollarama as little kits so that each person can decorate either a purse of a crown for themselves.
Most of the food I had was finger foods, snacks, and a few traditional dishes including:
- Nachos
- Pasta Salad
- French Fries
- Chicken Fingers
- Pizza
- Tabouli- Middle Eastern salad that contains parsley, cracked wheat (burgul), tomatoes, lemon, olive oil, salt, pomegranate molasses, sumac (spice), and sometimes green onions. There is different variations of Tabouli across the Middle East but this is the Syrian way my family is accustomed too
- Cheese stuff dough balls
- Assorted Vegetable Tray with Ranch Dressing dip
- Cubed cantalope
- Custard
- Creme Caramel
- Sugar Cookies to match the theme!
Malak's favourite time of the party of course is her getting a chance to open everyone's presents! Not going to lie her toys are my toys too (my inner child enjoys kids toys) :)
I'm so glad everyone had a good time but most important of all, Malak had a fantastic time! Love you to the moon baby girl! We'll see what crazy theme we will have next year! Until then bye!
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