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Feeding Your Baby

It's the best feeling when your baby hits the 6 month point and is able to be fed food! I loved my baby at all ages but 6 months is the cutest! It's the stage where she can sit upright but she can't talk and she sits and smiles in all her chubby cuteness. When it came to feeding though I started feeding Malak plain rice cereal around 5 months since breast milk and supplemental formula feeding weren't doing it for her. I gradually started it with her making about one teaspoon. Nestle sent me a small sample of the rice cereal in the mail and it was the first thing I introduced her too.
At her 6 month check-up my doctor gave us the okay to start with the peas and carrots. She told me to make a big patch and freeze them in ice cube trays to make it easier for me. At first Malak didn't mind it but she quickly grew to dislike the frozen cubes, she ate them only when they were freshly made. I don't blame her I'd hate having to de-thaw my food too! After the okay from my doctor I bought her some full size rice and oatmeal cereals by Nestle, she loved them especially in the morning!

At around 8 months she was able to start eating chicken and fish. Malak loved eating with us at the table she prefers eating with the family rather than me feeding her alone. She eats whatever we eat! There are also whole grain puffs that you can buy from the grocery store ages starting from 8 months until 12 months. They come in plain or flavours ranging from all kinds of fruits and veges. She loved them! My five year old sister enjoyed eating them with her too hahaha!

Now at the 12 month point we were allowed to start giving her homo-milk again introducing it slowly. She hates formula now and luckily she likes the homo milk if it is heated a little bit. She eats everything with us at dinner! I stay away from yoghurts and cheeses now until about 18 months she will have a higher tolerance towards them.

Her favourite foods include anything with potato or sweet potato, bananas, tomatoes, and chicken. She also enjoys eating the puffy part of popcorn with her mama in the evening. Don't be afraid to get your baby snacks from the store just don't make it a habit to give it to them more than healthy whole foods.

She is still being breastfed as well! I am hesitant  to stop her now since I am not back to work yet so we'll see at what point we will cut her off, hehehe! It's important that her main source of fluid is milk whether it be breast milk, homo-milk, or formula in order for her bones to properly develop and store calcium.

What foods did you start your babies off with? What are their favourite foods now? If they were breastfed when did you stop?

I love hearing feedback from all you terrific moms out there and what worked or didn't work with your little ones! Thanks all!


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