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Showing posts from March, 2016

Don't Forget to Pamper Yourself!

As a woman you are always caught up with everything going on you forget to take care of yourself! We always seems to have trouble spending money on ourselves as we are worried about everyone and everything around us. That is what Pinterest is for :) I have some home made pampering hair, face, nail, and feet masks and scrubs. Turmeric face masks: -Turmeric has many health benefits when consumed in foods such as cancer fighting qualities and retaining elasticity, etc. It also has brightening and acne clearing qualities when used in a face mask, and it even helps to whiten teeth! Turmeric + Honey                  Turmeric + Lemon + Honey Coffee Scrubs: -Coffee helps remove dead skin cells and if applied to areas on the body with cellulite it can help to reduce the look of it. Now you have an use for the coffee grinds leftover from the coffee machine! Coffee + Olive Oil + Plastic Wrap Apply ...

Feeding Your Baby

It's the best feeling when your baby hits the 6 month point and is able to be fed food! I loved my baby at all ages but 6 months is the cutest! It's the stage where she can sit upright but she can't talk and she sits and smiles in all her chubby cuteness. When it came to feeding though I started feeding Malak plain rice cereal around 5 months since breast milk and supplemental formula feeding weren't doing it for her. I gradually started it with her making about one teaspoon. Nestle sent me a small sample of the rice cereal in the mail and it was the first thing I introduced her too. At her 6 month check-up my doctor gave us the okay to start with the peas and carrots. She told me to make a big patch and freeze them in ice cube trays to make it easier for me. At first Malak didn't mind it but she quickly grew to dislike the frozen cubes, she ate them only when they were freshly made. I don't blame her I'd hate having to de-thaw my food too! After the okay...