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Showing posts from February, 2016

Toys for Toddlers

Toys can be a crucial part of a toddlers development of the brain and the senses. My daughter recently turned a year old and loves to play and explore everything around her. Books can be a great way to stimulate the mind, my daughter often brings books from her playroom and gives them to me to read to her. Pointing to the words as you read will help them follow along I've caught my girl pretending to read a few times and pointing as she babbles. Monkey see, monkey do 🙈. I love when she picks up on things that I do and it helps you see that your little one is on the right track.                                          Boxes that helps babies identify and experiment with different shapes and colours helps children as well. It builds problem solving skills, allows them to explore, and concentrate on the task at hand. The red toy with the shapes has an outline of the blocks in the...

LittleBabyBum on Youtube

I just want to tell other mommies about this great channel on YouTube! It includes every nursery rhyme I knew growing up and I even learned a few new ones watching with my daughter. They come in individual videos or a compilation of videos amounting to different times. Like there are videos 15 minutes long or even 2 hours depending on how occupied you want your child to be. I know some parents will be opposed to putting their baby in front of a TV or computer screen but my daughter loves them and she is learning from them. When the song for If You're Happy and You Know It comes on she does the actions with them like clapping her hands and stomping her feet. When the song BINGO comes up she claps for the letters the eliminate and follows along with them. When Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes comes on she points to her head. Not only is she learning important things because of the songs but she looks forward to me putting it on for her and sometimes we sit and practice them togethe...

Malak's One Year Check Up

I always hate the check ups that require needles, poor baby girl it breaks my heart when the needles make you cry. Unfortunately there's no other way to ensure she stays healthy. I always aim to have her monthly doctors appointments as close to the 26th as I can but I wasn't sure when I was going to have her birthday party (during the week or weekend) and I didn't want to ruin her birthday. So I made the appointment for the week after. Before I get into the doctor's appointment I want to go over Malak's developments up to today. Malak is walking and reaching for whatever is in site. She started walking around 11 months and was making an effort to around 10 and a half. She currently has 9 teeth, 4 up top 4 on the bottom and a tooth coming in the back. Her first tooth appeared around 7 months in mid August. She dances, plays with toys, and sometimes brings me books to read to her. She says words like mama, baba, teta and jido (grandma and grandpa in Arabic). She cal...