My latest update is that on April 1st was official day as per my contract as a Settlement Counsellor with Northwest London Resource Centre! For those who don't know it is a step up from my previous job as a Library Settlement Worker. The hours are better for me now, before I was working evenings and Saturdays but for this job I will have the option of working 8:30-4:30 pm or let's say I want to drive my daughter to school and then go to work I can do a 9:30-5:30 pm. The flexibility on their end is fabulous and I really appreciated having the option. So, obviously now things are a little different being in the COVID-19 age of having all non-essential places shut down we were deemed a non-essential service. Now we are working from home! My husband made an excellent observation about me and said if thing were different and you had the option to be working from home or being in the office I think you would choose to work from home. I think once upon a time I would've agreed ...