With the Holiday season quickly approaching and the donation bins and charities calling to people for donations, I would like to present people with a challenge. I have created an "Acts of Kindness" calendar for the month of December. The challenge is aimed at children but adults are welcome to join and maybe tweak it a bit to suit adults substituting "school" for "work" and etc. It is a great way to encourage children to be kind and realize that their are people less fortunate than them in the community and even around the world. Although traditionally I do not celebrate Christmas, the atmosphere it creates is beautiful since it is supposed to be a time of love, happiness, and inclusiveness. It all begins with our children, teaching them to respect all people and to be kind towards one another. I hope a lot of people decide to take this challenge and feel free to share it with co-workers, friends, and family :) Happy Holidays everyone and good luck...